Sign Up!
Thanks to Sal over at Total View Signs for getting our sign up so quickly! It looks great and now all of our new neighbours know who the new guys in the lot are.
We do so much work in London, ON it only made sense to open up an office. Personally, I feel this property will serve us well for a couple of years and then from there we will have to expand, just like we've had to do once, twice...three, four times in Chatham? I've lost count!
Owner, Martin Bates, who is very excited as he grew up in the London area, had this to say about the new office, "The city of London took my business to the next level. The loyal customers and their referrals helped me take my five person operation to a 35 person operation! I can't wait to have a big building and yard in London just like we do in Chatham."
The office and the warehouse in the back will be ready to roll by the end of March 2014 if all goes as planned. Stay tuned for more photos!